Sunday, 24 December 2023

5 Congested Spots in Jogja during the 2023 Christmas Holidays, If It`s Not Interested, Skip the Following Routes


Christmas and New Year holidays in 2023 will certainly be special moments for many families to go driving to interesting tourist spots, including in the Yogyakarta Special Region Province.

However, because there are many popular tourist destinations, traffic jams are unavoidable.

At the time this article was written, here are the five most congested spots in Jogja based on direct monitoring from Google Maps

The atmosphere was quiet in South Alun-Alun and North Alun-Alun on the first day of Eid al-Fitr 1441 H, Sunday (24/5/2020). (Jogja Daily) 1. Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan (Click to find out location)

The route taken to get to the North Square of the Yogyakarta Palace is busy with motorists, especially the route from west to east. If you have no interest, it’s better to avoid this route.

2. Routes to Malioboro

Popular as a “must-do” tourist destination in Jogja, all routes around Malioboro are observed to be very busy. The indicator on GMaps also shows dark red.

3. Simpang Empat Demak Ijo

On Jalan Siliwangi, especially the Demak Ijo intersection, there are many drivers from the south side of the red light, making this road brown, a sign of a fairly high density of road users.

View of Prambanan Temple in the afternoon. ( 4. Prambanan Temple

The road in front of Prambanan Temple, especially in the direction from Solo to Jogja, is flooded with motorists. So for those who want to go DIY using this route, be patient!

5. Route to Baron Beach

For those of you who want to “stay” at Baron, maybe you need to get ready. Because Jalan Pantai Selatan which leads to the beach, around the Kemadang Celosia Flower Park location is also hit by traffic jams.

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