Thursday 21 December 2023

Agus Andrianto`s career history, he almost became National Police Chief but was defeated by his class 2 younger brother


The luxurious wedding of Andre Azhar and Asyifa Dewi on Saturday (16/12/2023) brought the figure of Deputy Chief of Police, Commissioner General Pol Agus Andrianto, into the spotlight.

It is known that Agus is the father of the groom who now serves as number two in the National Police. It’s not surprising that the public then started looking into his profile, including his career history.

How not? Because apparently Agus was included in the National Police Chief candidate market, aka he was almost made the top leader of the Bhayangkara Corps. However, in the end Agus was defeated by General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who was a junior in the second year below him.

National Police Chief Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave a statement after holding a meeting with KPK leaders at the KPK’s Red and White Building, Jakarta, Monday (4/12/2023). [/Alfian Winanto] Agus Andrianto is a police officer born 16 February 1967 who began his career after graduating from the Police Academy (Akpol, formerly Akabri) in 1989.

Agus’ career was dominated in the field of detective work until he was proven to have held the position of Head of the Agency National Police Criminal Investigation (Kabareskrim) for the 2021-2023 period.

Previously, Agus held various positions, such as being Dirtipidum Bareskrim Polri (2016) and participating in handling cases of religious blasphemy by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (BTP) alias Ahok.

Lalu Agus was also the Head of the North Sumatra Police (2018), then Kabaharkam Polri (2019) replacing Firli Bahuri who became Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Kabaharkam Polri, Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto [/Achmad Ali] It was in 2019 that Agus was said to be on the list of names proposed by Kompolnas to become Chief of Police to replace Idham Azis. At that time there were a number of other officers’ names on the list, including the incumbent National Police Chief, Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who graduated from the Police Academy in 1991.

However, in the end President Joko Widodo preferred Sigit as National Police Chief and was finally officially appointed on January 27 2021. Sigit is the second youngest National Police Chief in Indonesian history after Tito Karnavian was appointed by Jokowi in 2016.

Interestingly, Agus was then transferred from his position as Kabaharkam Polri and placed as Kabareskrim Polri, a position left by Sigit. Then two years later, Agus was finally chosen as Deputy Chief of Police to replace Komjen Pol (Ret.) Gatot Eddy Pramono and was officially appointed on June 24 2023.

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