Saturday 23 December 2023

Motorcycle sitting idle at home during the 2024 Christmas holidays? Check out the tips to keep it durable


The 2024 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays are only a few days away. Of course, some people prefer to use four-wheeled vehicles to enjoy the Christmas holiday rather than motorbikes.

The motorbike will be idle for the next few days. This can cause the motorbike to become damaged or not last long.

To be able to keep your motorbike durable even if it is idle during the 2024 Christmas holidays, pay attention to the tips reported by Astra Honda.

1. Empty the Gas Tank

This step is taken to minimize risks such as leaks and fires.

Not only that, keep checking for other leaks such as engine oil and suspension oil.

2. Wash the motorbike

Before leaving on holiday, the motorbike should be thoroughly washed until it is perfectly cleaned. This is to prevent corrosion and unpleasant odors while leaving it.

3. Check Tire Pressure

Checking tire pressure is important so that the tires will last longer when used. And don’t forget to do the middle standard when parking.

4. Disconnect the battery cable

It is recommended that when leaving for the Christmas holiday, both battery cables be disconnected. If not, the battery will potentially wear out.

5. Parking indoors

Look for a safe parking place protected from hot rain, ideally inside the house. For extra protection, use a motorbike cover.

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