Wednesday 6 December 2023

Pay attention to visibility and driving activities when it rains, immediately pull over if you look blurry


Entering the rainy season in Indonesia, two-wheeled riding activities continue. Increased caution, especially regarding standing water, braking distance and tire traction on wet tracks.

However, there is one thing that should never be forgotten and is quite important. Namely visibility or visibility.

Conditions with minimal visibility can occur, including:

When using a closed helmet, condensation occurs because the user’s breath is warmer while the outside conditions are colder. the situation is more complex. Yamaha DDS 3 (Central Java & Yogyakarta) in one of its rainy season tips states, “If the rain is heavy and interferes with visibility, you should pull over in a safe lane and continue to obey the existing signs.”

Or it means to postpone continuing motorized activities if visibility is minimal. It is recommended to pull over.

Apart from that, users must be alert and careful when driving on the road by continuing to use appropriate safety riding techniques.

Following tips for driving in rainy conditions from Yamaha DDS 3 (Central Java & Yogyakarta) as received

Illustration of a helmet with a clear visor (Pexels/cottonbro studio) For vehicle users

Choose a helmet with a clear visor because when rain can cause the helmet visor to fog up, which can interfere with focus when driving. A top and pants style raincoat, not one piece, which will make it difficult to move. Choose rubber shoes, avoid sandals, including flip-flops. Choose brightly colored riding gear so that it is easily visible to other drivers. so that it helps support driving safety. Driving techniques

If the rain is heavy and interferes with visibility, you should pull over in a safe lane and still obey the existing signs. If the conditions are already drizzling, you should wear a raincoat, don’t wait for the heavy rain. Don’t do it suddenly. If you pull over, wear a raincoat to avoid dangers such as being hit by a driver behind you. If there is a fairly high puddle of water, it is advisable not to force yourself to pass through or break through, because it will disrupt the performance of the motorbike’s engine. Don’t brake suddenly and hard because it’s raining. The tire’s grip on the road is reduced. Maintain a safe distance from nearby vehicles because when it rains you need a longer braking distance. Get to know the road conditions (damaged, potholes, floods) to avoid potential dangers when passing through areas with potential accidents. The motorbike you can rely on

Tires are in good condition (not bald), have standard air pressure so they don’t slip easily. Important areas are not open (air filter, CVT area) so the motorbike doesn’t break down or get damaged easily. Brakes are in good condition or grippy. All lights are in good condition (headlights, turn signals, brakes, twilight) so that other drivers can easily see them because dark weather reduces lighting.

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