Saturday 9 December 2023

Sophisticated and Environmentally Friendly, the Capital of the Archipelago Will Soon Allow Online Motorbike Taxis to Operate Using Micromobility


Talking about the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago which will be the new location to replace Jakarta’s function as the capital city of Indonesia, an environmentally friendly concept is put forward to maintain the air quality of this area. IKN is designed as a 10 Minute City to get to bus stops, offices and residential areas.

Quoted from the Antara news agency, based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 63/2022 that as a city that is compact and easy to develop, the main goal of the Nusantara Capital plan is to create a city of the future that does not depend on private vehicles with the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD).

The goal is for communities to live, work and play decently; a community that allows more pedestrians, cyclists and transit users, and can reduce the need for daily commuting and a compact city.

Illustration of the IKN train, as part of public transportation [IKN] To ensure that TOD is truly implemented in IKN, in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) there are no operational two-wheeled motorized vehicles even though they are electrically powered. IKN has been designed as a 10 Minute City to get to bus stops, offices and even residential areas.

“Delivery of food or whatever is not via motorbike, but using micromobility. So I say that Gojek, GoFood, and whatever they are called does not mean they cannot operate at KIPP but they operate using micromobility where all buildings in IKN have connectivity and accessibility connected between one building to another,” explained Resdiansyah, Chief Urban Mobility Authority IKN (OIKN) in an online discussion in Jakarta, Friday (8/12/2023).

Resdiansyah emphasized that two-wheeled operational vehicles that should not be used are two-wheeled motorized vehicles operating at KIPP, not online motorcycle taxi services such as Gojek, GoFood or the like.

“Micromobility friends can enter the elevator, enter the office, and can go through the sky bridge and we activate what is called active mobility,” he said again.

“OIKN prohibits the operation of two-wheeled motorized vehicles only at KIPP for the time being, but will it develop? We will see what the conditions are. Because the President’s order is clear, namely 80 percent public transportation and the remaining 20 percent private vehicles,” said Resdiansyah.

Micromobility itself is a small and light vehicle that operates at speeds under 25 km per hour such as bicycles, electric bicycles, and so on.

For the record, in the opening ceremony of the 2024 MarketPlus Conference which was held at the Ballroom of The Ritz Carlton Jakarta, Hermawan Kartajaya delivered a presentation about economic challenges or uncertainty challenges in the future. This includes the vision and mission of making our country a country.

Portrait of our country today and plans for the future presented at the opening of the 2023 MarkPlus Conference by Hermawan Kartajaya [/CNR ukirsari] IKN was mentioned as a candidate for the capital of the future, compared to countries that are often included as discussion material. Starting from Wakanda, Konoha, to Indonesia, which has been known for a long time and is currently present. Uncertain conditions that arise must be overcome and treated appropriately so that they become a strength in the future.

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