Wednesday 27 December 2023

The Story of a Couplepreneur Building a Culinary Business from Zero to Achieving Achievement


In the world of culinary business, husband and wife FX. Ricky Ferdinan Sutrisno S.T., M.T, and Silvia Maycella Yufica Chandra S.T., M.T, have proven that love, dedication and passion can be extraordinary forces in achieving success as entrepreneurs.

The couple who pioneered Black Kebab and Kebab Bosstown not only built a successful business, but also won 29 national awards and 2 international awards, making them an accomplished couplepreneur who inspired many people.

Couplepreneur. (Special doc) Ricky and Silvia, alumni of the Master of Digital Architecture Program at Atmajaya University, started their business journey when they were in college. Both of them are not only focused on pursuing a master’s degree, but also realizing their dream of starting a kebab business.

Their progress in the culinary world cannot be separated from their dedication and love for culinary kebabs carried by the Black Kebab brand which already has outlets spread across Palembang, Balikpapan, Bali, Tangerang, Bekasi, DIY and Central Java.

“We started this journey together, from college to building a business we love. The success of Black Kebab and Kebab Bosstown is not just about business, but also about the story of love and commitment that built it. Winning 29 national awards and 2 international awards “This is recognition of our hard work and the support of loyal consumers,” said Ricky in his recent statement.

Black Kebab’s extraordinary achievements are not only reflected in the number of awards they have won, but also from participation in international exhibitions in Hong Kong, Manila, Korea and Saudi Arabia, as well as coverage from dozens of media. This couple has succeeded in making a name for themselves on a national and international scale.

Silvia added, “Being a couplepreneur is not without challenges, but we always support and motivate each other. This success is the result of solid team work and a shared commitment to providing the best for our consumers.”

Bosstown, as the parent child of Black Kebab, has also succeeded in attracting attention with its unique concept and best quality. With a spirit of innovation that continues to burn, Bosstown continues the legacy of achievement that has been built by Black Kebab.

Through their inspiring story, this couple hopes to provide encouragement to the younger generation who want to start a business while maintaining a balance between personal and professional life.

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