Monday 20 November 2023

Holding Patrols, Police Secure 92 Motorcycles Using Brong Exhaust


Sat Then the Banyumas Police carry out activities to control and take action against visible traffic violations and curb exhaust pipes or non-standard hunting systems in the Banyumas Regency area.

The hunting system activity for controlling traffic violations is carried out two days at the weekend, namely on Saturday and Sunday, 18-19 November 2023. Where motorbikes with long or non-standard exhausts are subject to fines

Banyumas Police Chief Commissioner Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu, through Head of Traffic Police, Commissioner Dr Doddy Triantoro, said that his party had succeeded in taking action by ticketing 94 violators for visible violations and potential traffic accidents.

“We took action with the results of 2 (Two) units of non-standard KBM Exhaust (Bronk) and without TNKB and without a valid vehicle registration document and 92 (Ninety Two) units of SPM Non-Standard Exhaust (Bronk),” said Head of Traffic Unit, quoted as saying from the National Police’s NTMC page, Tuesday (21/11/2023).

According to the Traffic Head, violators are given violation action in the form of conventional tickets and given guidance to comply with traffic regulations. Then, the evidence was taken to the Banyumas Police Traffic Police Traffic Unit Ur.

“We hope that with this activity the people of Banyumas in general will increase their awareness of complying with traffic regulations so that we can minimize the number of accidents together,” said the Traffic Head.

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