Thursday 23 November 2023

Holding 2023 Environmental Journalist Workshop, Astra Supports KBA Pekayon Bekasi`s Target of Becoming a Regional Educational Tourism Village by 2027


On Thursday (23/11/2023), Astra–or PT Astra International Tbk, a national company which has 272 subsidiaries, including those in the automotive, financing services and insurance sectors, also has an Astra Integrated Spirit award program for ( SATU) Indonesia–holding an Environmental Journalist Workshop 2023.

The activity took place at Kampung Berseri Astra or KBA Pekayon, Bekasi. With a series of superior activities carried out by its residents. Namely ecoprint or making leaf motif fabric from original materials and natural dyes.

Then there are still various community activities that are useful for the environment and can be used as a side business. Such as making compost from fallen plants in the yard and leaf waste from the ecoprint process, liquid organic fertilizer from household waste, waste banks, and environmental tourism.

Cool logo from KBA Pekayon Bekasi with the spirit of the ProKlim village [/CNR ukirsari]. “We have been holding this Astra environmental journalist workshop for 14 years. We have the Astra Berseri Village and Astra Prosperous Village programs. Today we invite journalists and content creators to visit one of the villages assisted by Astra, namely KBA Pekayon Bekasi,” explained Boy Kelana Soebroto, General Manager-Head of Corporate Communications PT Astra International Tbk.

Kampung Berseri Astra carries out the Climate Village Program (ProKlim) which is managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLH). A program that increases the involvement of communities and other stakeholders to strengthen adaptation capacity to the impacts of climate change and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.

This ProKlim provides recognition of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts that have been carried out, and can improve welfare at the local level in accordance with regional conditions.

According to Boy Kelana Soebroto, Astra provides assistance to no less than 300 Astra Berseri Villages, as well as 83 ProKlim KBAs.

The process of applying a pattern to a cloth with leaves and then covering it with a rolling cloth in the 2023 Environmental Journalist Workshop by Astra at KBA Pekayon Bekasi [/CNR ukirsari]. “Where village residents work together to mitigate the environment, and at KBA Pekayon, we can “I saw mothers making handmade ecoprints. This activity should be an inspiration for the wider community. Enjoy exploring inspiration today,” said Boy Kelana Soebroto.

Meanwhile, Eko Purwanto, Local Champion and Chair of Kampung Berseri Astra Pekayon stated that in the period 2017-2023, the place where he lives has won 19 awards related to the environment.

“ProKlim from KLH is famous throughout the world. Within the ranks of Kampung Berseri Astra (KBA) there are several levels, namely middle, main and sustainable levels. KBA Pekayon has reached a sustainable level so we have ProKlim support to be supported in stages until it can “We are grateful for the enthusiasm of the community and the full support from Astra, for eight very comprehensive years,” said Eko Purwanto.

Ecoprint fabric pattern made from natural leaves in the 2023 Astra Environmental Journalist Workshop [/CNR ukirsari]. He stated that the initial activities of the residents of Pekayon RW 8, 9, 10 and 11 began in 2005, when a group of mothers who really loved the environment came together. together carrying out a series of activities to empower the area where they live.

“In 2015 we met with Astra who helped accelerate, reward and provide assistance. This is in line with the concern of Astra’s founders to always love the environment and be useful to others,” continued Eko Purwanto while adding that the area of ​​KBA Pekayon covers 17 hectares and is inhabited by 3,300 people.

“Our target is to create an Environmental Education Tourism Village to be realized in 2027,” he said.

The process of making KBA Pekayon Bekasi compost in the 2023 Astra Environmental Journalist Workshop [/CNR ukirsari]. traveling using the KBA Pekayon environmental tourism transport vehicle, tasting telang flower tea and lemongrass mixed with lemon, to fruit salad with yoghurt colored with butterfly pea flower.

Exciting and very interesting, especially the process of making ecoprinting fabric in approximately two hours. And done together in the spirit of learning to be closer to nature.

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