Sunday 19 November 2023

Saqu Bank Launching, Check Out Features Similar to Bus Analogy


Astra Financial from PT Astra International Tbk – a national company that has 272 subsidiaries, including those operating in the automotive, financing services and insurance sectors – together with WeLab today, Monday (20/11/2023) formalized support for the Bank Jakarta services for the establishment of Bank Saqu.

The title of the ceremony was “Transforming Banking Services, Advancing Indonesia”, the event took place at Menara Astra, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta. Among the invitees were the entire ranks of Astra International, as well as its banking business units, including those from Astra Financial, namely FIFGROUP, Astra Insurance, Seva, ACC, Moxa, Astra Life, AstraPay, and so on. Also Astra Collaboration, among others in the automotive sector there are OLX, UD Trucks, Astra Isuzu, PT Astra Honda Motor, and BMW.

“One of our goals is to empower the younger generation to manage finances with digital banking services to achieve success in the future, be disciplined in saving, have fun, and help their community develop,” said Leo Koesmanto, President Director of Bank Jasa Jakarta.

Astra’s collaboration with WeLab in supporting the financial inclusion of the Indonesian people was also conveyed by WeLab at the inauguration ceremony of Bank Saqu.

“I am confident that Bank Saqu will be a good bank with an attractive and successful ecosystem. We started with a mutual friendship with Astra six years ago,” said Simon Loong, Founder and Group of CEO of WeLab, Hong Kong.

Similar statement from Suparno Djasmin, Director of Astra and Director of Charge Astra Financial. He expressed Astra’s happiness at being able to start a journey with WeLab and Bank Jasa Jakarta for Bank Saqu.

“One of the important milestones is that Astra can provide digital banking services and this takes place between Astra and WeLab,” he explained.

“The hope is that we can serve consumers better in accordance with Astra’s wishes to provide support to the retail segment and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs),” explained Suparno Djasmin.

Leo Koesmanto added, Bank Saqu is targeting the younger generation who are currently very productive as solopreneurs. Antar does business and does many things.

Bank Jasa Jakarta, WeLab, and the Directors of PT Astra International Tbk take a group photo at the launch of Bank Saqu at Menara Astra Jakarta on Monday (20/11/2023) [/CNR ukirsari] There are several uniquely named features that at first glance contain automotive elements . Like Busposito which uses a bus analogy, if you have full income you can immediately leave to get a higher interest rate.

Or the Tabungmatic feature which is suitable for both consumptive and productive users. So you get a lot of profit but continue to spend on various needs.

Bank Saqu can serve various needs with the ease of opening funding posts such as preparing distribution envelopes or financing allocations.

Suparno Djasmin mentioned that he had tried the solopreneur style using Bank Saqu which only took seven minutes.

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