Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, each pair of candidates received support from various parties, including candidate pair number 1 Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar, whose supporters called Abah Aos as Imam Mahdi.
Not only that, the candidate pairs Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar are also supported by a midwife named Eka Anugrah. The woman had just given 100 cars to Amin’s national team as vehicles for the campaign.
It was later discovered that Eka’s militancy in helping Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar was based on the request of his teacher, Abah Aos.
Who is the real figure of Abah Aos?
Profile of Abah Aos
Compiled from various sources, Abah Aos is one of the famous spiritual teachers and scholars in West Java who has many students, including Eka Anugrah.
Abah Aos is the son of the Kh couple. Ibrahim and Hj. Siti Musinjau was born in 1944 in Ciamis.
So now he is known as a 78 year old cleric in West Java.
This cleric with the real name Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul is the 38th Mursyid of Thoriqoh Qodiriyyah Naqsyabandiyyah (TQN) of the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School.
Among Islamic students, Abah Aos is also often called Pangersa Abah Aos who is known as a Sufi follower.
Regarded as scholars with intelligence and knowledge, there are quite a few national figures who respect his advice and advice.
Since the age of 13, Abah Aos received his education at the Gegempalan Islamic boarding school which at that time was taken care of by KH. Iskandar Zainal Arifin.
According to information circulating, Abah Aos is an intelligent figure and easily digests the knowledge given by his teacher.
In fact, it is also reported that Abah Aos has overtaken the senior students at the Islamic boarding school in the field of religious knowledge.
After eight years of study, Abah Aos was then sent by his teacher to the Cintawana Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School under the care of KH. Isak Farid to further deepen his knowledge of religion.
After returning from Islamic boarding school, Abah Aos married Hj. Rosliani Hasnah and then founded her own Islamic boarding school at the age of 24.
Since then, his name has become increasingly known to the wider community, especially in the Ciamis area, West Java, to this day.
Recently, the figure of Abah Aos went viral in cyberspace because he said that Anies Baswedan was Imam Mahdi.
The video is circulating on social media, one of which is on Tiktok, giving rise to various comments from netizens.
“Who is Imam Mahdi? “Doctoral professor Anies Rasyid Baswedan, that’s Imam Al Mahdi,” said Abah Aos.
Apart from that, Abah Aos also supported Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election, so that several of his students followed in the teacher’s footsteps, including Eka Anugrah.